Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly discussion hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl (and formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish), and this week’s topic is “Books on My Wishlist”! There’s an Amazon link below to my wishlist, but absolutely do not feel obligated to purchase anything for me! These also in no particular order, just in the order I found them through my Goodreads to-read list.
- The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid– So many fairy tale and myth retellings are coming out, and I’ve seen such good things about this!
- Half Sick of Shadows by Laura Sebastian – Give me all of the Arthurian revisits, especially about the female characters.
- Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch by Rivka Galchen – I keep looking at this at the bookstore, and the cover is so pretty that I want to own a physical copy!
- Son of the Storm by Suyi Davis Okungbowa – Everything in Orbit’s pipeline lately has been and looks incredible, and this is no exception.
- The Library of the Dead by T.L. Huchu – I love books about books/libraries, and this looks delightfully spooky.
- Ariadne by Jennifer Saint – This keeps catching my attention every time I go to the bookstore and see it on Instagram, and I’m totally digging these Greek mythology retellings.
- Winter’s Orbit by Everina Maxwell – This keeps being touted as Finn/Poe-esque, and tbh I want it for that reason alone.
- The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo – A The Great Gatsby retelling from the perspective of Jordan??? I’ve been wanting to read this ever since it was announced.
- She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan – This is another one I’ve been hearing so much about and it just looks amazing.
- Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim – Aside from this cover being one of the most beautiful, striking covers I’ve seen in a while, the story sounds incredible too.
> > > Amazon Wishlist < < <
Do not feel obligated to purchase anything off the wishlist!
The Chosen and the Beautiful does sound really good!
My post:
It does! I love seeing what people do when they reimagine classics!
Oooh, THE LIBRARY OF THE DEAD sounds intriguing! I hadn’t heard of it before, so I definitely need to take a closer look. Thanks for the heads-up!
Happy TTT!
Yes yes, any time! I want to do a list of book-related books I’ve read recently too!
The Library of the Dead is on my TBR too.
May your wishes come true!
Here is my post:
while everything sounds and looks wonderful, books about libraries/bookish stuff always appeal to me just a tad bit more 🙂
My list is here Bookish Wishes That I Would Love to Come True
The Library of the Dead is on my wish list too!