… says she three months into the year.

So, about a month ago, I started realizing that I am not motivated to update my blog because of the theme/design of it and at the time didn’t have the energy and motivation (ha) to look for ways to update it. A week or so ago, I started looking into WP themes, and after feeling a little meh about the free ones I found and frustrated at the pretty ones I liked that ran for more than thirty bucks (I don’t have that kind of money to spend), I found one I liked on sale from HipsterTheme on etsy for six dollars! It’s a minimalist theme by itself, so I started looking up clip art on etsy (because I had no idea how many blogging resources were there), and I found this blush pink floral clip art set from ShhMakerDesign that I absolutely loved, and everything seemed to come together from there!

I updated the navigation so it was easier to find things (as much as I loved my who/what/where/when/why set up from before, it’s not transparent to anyone who isn’t me), updated a little bit of my info, and added a few more widgets on the sidebar. Subscribe! Follow me on social media! I still need to figure out Bloglovin’ and figure out if I need to make myself a set posting schedule or just aim for 3-4 posts a week.

Thank you for visiting!